Top 5 Articles in 2022

In 2022 resources on practical received over 100,000 views. The following 5 articles received the most views. Hope they help you thrive in your ministry in 2023 and beyond.

5. The Pastor’s Wife and Sexual Sin

…perhaps you are a woman who is caught in a revolving cycle of sexual sin. You fear how people would respond to you—a woman, a pastor’s wife even—who has sinned sexually. Know that you are not alone, and you are not without hope. Jesus had conversations with women who were not too different from you (see John 4 and John 8). Read the stories of His encounters with these two women. Jesus wasn’t shocked or repulsed by women who sinned sexually. Instead of condemnation, He responded with grace, compassion, and truth.

4. Shepherding God's Purpose Through Disabilities

There are many factors contributing to this failure by our churches today. It likely begins with the lack of biblical theology on the topic of disability, which minimizes the level of appreciation for God’s plan and purpose for our friends with disabilities. There may also be an absence of understanding and empathy for the challenges, demands, and limits encountered in day to day life for individuals and families impacted by disabilities.

3. How do you respond to encouraging words about your sermon?

“Great job…good sermon…that really spoke to me.”  The list of phrases a pastor may hear as church members exit the church goes on.  Inevitably, whether the sermon was good or not, these quick comments will be spoken to us with varying levels of sincerity and it is important that we know how to respond in a God-honoring way.  Brian offers 4 suggestions.

2. 3 differences between a pastors and deacons

Each of these two biblical offices (Pastors & Deacons) have a unique, important, and beautiful design by God in the church. The absence of one or the other will leave a gapping whole that cannot rightfully be filled by a gifted teacher, committee, or board of trustees.  Embrace God’s design and allow these distinct roles to flourish side by side with the other to the glory of Christ and his bride.

1.10 qualities every pastor should possess

So here are 10 qualities I look for that I feel are not necessarily deal breakers, but nonetheless are very important for pastoral ministry and fall within the frame work of the fruit of the spirit in a Christian’s life.